The SSR Show

Season 2

S2E07 – A Talk with Poojit Jain, Co-Founder of Eaglewings Ventures I Angel Investor

Episode Info


Poojit Jain Sir is a Co-Founder of Eaglewings Ventures & a renowned Angel Investor also he is a kind and helpful man!

I hope you learn from Mr. Poojit and use the learnings to grow!

Checkout Eaglewings Ventures –

If you can dream it you can do it. this is one of my favorite quote and this show will help you get the wisdom to make your dream a reality.

About Show & The Host

The SSR Show is the show where we invite the top 1% of the brains in the world in the fields of entrepreneurship and investment to share their wisdom with us. Each episode features an entrepreneur, investor, or author. The mission of this show is to help you be the one you want to meet!


Shakti Singh


Shakti is a young and passionate about startups and the love of startups pushed him to do this Show.

Hey, I’m Shakti Singh, the host of The SSR Show. I am a person who is super excited about startups and entrepreneurship. I believe entrepreneurs are the future’s bringers. I loved entrepreneurship when I didn’t knew the spelling of it.

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