The SSR Show


Right now, the fundings going to various startups has dropped. The reason is the predicted future recession and maybe a little bit fear of startup bubble in investors’ mind.

But the fundings have dropped. So, what’s going to be the impact of all this?

Are we going to see profitable startups?

Or, many startups shutting down?

What’s the strategy if various Startups for tackling the issue?

Let’s try to find it out.

So, if we see the steps if startups, then they may have stopped brand building marketing, and have started to advertise money making things.

In easier language, they are getting into marketing to make you take actions. Earlier, they were trying to get a place in your head, but now trying to move your hands.

Brand building marketing pays off in the long term, but these impact marketing strategies may get results in the short term.

They need money. Doesn’t matter from where but they need it. Investors ate not giving it, so they need it from customers. Now, instead of relying in others they are trying to be ‘Atmanirbhar’.

Their long term marketing has stopped because they know if they can’t sustain this dry winter, there’s going to be no future which they are working for.

Also, the startup expenditure has dropped to about 50%. They are trying to save every penny they can.

And if we talk of profitability, then the startups may be trying to make money in this period. Even if the revenue drops, they would try to make some money to invest. They need money and if investors are not giving it they need other sources.

And, some startups may not be able to make money in this brief period and may end up too. But it’s just the way things happen and we may see their replacements soon.

The time ahead looks tough for startups, and if you are a start-up founder then you should be ready for this. But the simple thing is that your company’s requirements are based on the customers you have. So, give great service to them and make them loyal customers. Don’t just go out for getting new users right now if you are not in digital products space.

And, things would be very fine.

Best of luck you can make it out.

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