The SSR Show


Nowadays, the hottest startups are the quick commerce startups and many startups have started giving this as their offering. But, is this really a thing to be done? Is there really money to be made here? Or, is it going to be a cartel game ahead?

Quick commerce is about buying any grocery or similar item and it is being delivered at your home within 10 to 20 minutes. This is what’s called quick commerce right now.

They ask you to just order whatever you want and get it delivered. They ask you to use it as many times as you can every single day. They allow you its use for even the smallest of items.

But, is this really something to make money?

If you want to make money, would you ask for many deliveries for same amount of goods, or get it done in the least number of deliveries?

They are getting users to be used to ordering multiple times with small ticket size. They are not trying to get big ticket size orders at all.

So, can this really make money?

If there was one startup, then maybe. Users would get used to it and eventually may use it properly when deliveries would get paid.

But right now, there is competition and if one charges for deliveries the others would get it’s users. Many would come up saying that free deliveries forever is their USP.

So, it’s difficult to make money this way, but what if they form cartel?

I don’t know, but you know.

Use them, they are good but have self control as well.

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